Request our Services for Your Community Projects

Every Community is entitled to a Better Future for their Families
How Can we Help?
Let us Help You
If you are part of a small nonprofit, grassroots social movement, or community movement that wants to use our Pro Bono social design and innovation services; then, select 'Request for Pro Bono Services' and we will schedule a free consultation session to discuss options.
If you are a Sponsor such as a government department, Community Development Corporation, Large Nonprofit that funds or manages community-based projects; then, select the 'Request for Service' and we will be in touch to discuss a proposal.
More organizational resources to help you manage physical revitalization and social service projects.
No impact to your budget with Pro Bono Professional Solution Providers to conduct research, design and implement multiple community projects for your organization.
Helps you stop the downward spiral of divestment, deterioration, and poverty in your community.
Extra organizational capacity makes it easier for you to help low-income families achieve upward social mobility.
We can help any community with the following:
COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH: Conducting applied social research with members of the community and characterize complex social system problems
COLLABORATIVE SOCIAL DESIGN and INNOVATION LAB: Using our virtual and pop-up studios or labs to define, design, and implement innovative solutions for complex social issues. Also, train your staff and community leaders in our community-driven social innovation (CDSI) process to continue the transformation for longer and for less funds.
SOCIAL IMPACT MANAGEMENT: Brokering partnership relationships to increase acceptance and adoption of innovative solutions by communities through productive engagements. Strategic plans and assistance to scale, replicate, and institutionalize effective social innovations